January 23, 2018

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Value of Training Every Day for Public Safety

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Value of Training Every Day for Public Safety

Gordon Graham
Category: Public Safety

Gordon Graham here with Today’s Tip from Lexipol. Today’s tip is for everyone in public safety and it deals with the importance of training every day. 

In today’s world, the importance of training for public safety personnel cannot be overstated. 

For some, training is just another one of those things they do because they are told toBut others just can’t get can’t wait until the next training opportunity. In today’s world, the importance of training for public safety personnel cannot be overstated.  

Hopefully, your department is providing you with solid, realistic, ongoing, and verifiable training. Even if not, as a professional you should take responsibility to continuously improve yourself, your knowledge, and your skills.  

Seek out solid and realistic training opportunities. These can be formal training courses, articles, and videos of important events. Focus your training time and efforts on high-risk events that you don’t experience very often. Especially focus on those events that you know will unfold quickly and where there won’t be much time to think before you must act. 

One very simple and cheap way is to do this is to play the “what if” game. You can do this by yourself or with your coworkers. Study your organizations’ policy then consider how you would respond to various situations. These might be real-life events being reported in the news or purely hypothetical situations you imagined. The opportunity here for learning and growth is tremendous. 

If you are a supervisor, you should lead your team in these discussions. Shift change or briefing might provide the perfect opportunity.  

Make every day a training day. 

And that’s Today’s Tip from Lexipol. Gordon Graham, signing off. 

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