December 17, 2024

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Keeping Politics Out of the Firehouse

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Gordon Graham
Category: Fire Service

Gordon Graham here with Today’s Tip from Lexipol. Today’s Tip is for my friends in the fire service. We’re going to talk a little bit about politics. 

Cat in the Hat fans are probably familiar with the book, “One Vote, Two Votes, I Vote, You Vote.” Even if you’ve never read it, you can probably guess the premise. Yup, it’s all about elections. But while the book explains the democratic process to children, it never gets into politics. And that’s how it should be in the firehouse.

While it’s OK to encourage each other to vote, and even to explain the process, specific candidates, parties, and hot-button issues should never be part of workplace conversations. 

Most fire service personnel spend nearly a third of their lives in the firehouse. They eat, train, and exercise together. They work hard to overcome differences in background and personality to develop a cohesive team that can rely on each other in matters of life and death. 

Allowing politics into the mix is a recipe for dysfunction. Does the captain’s political affiliation impact his decisions on the emergency scene? It shouldn’t. Does your crew ask the homeowners how they voted in the last election before putting out the fire in their attic? No, of course not.  

So why would politics, which have little to no bearing on the day-to-day operations of the department, become a topic of conversation in the firehouse? It’s simple: It shouldn’t. Members should refrain from discussing sensitive issues while on duty. Officers should listen for politically charged banter around the kitchen table and try to redirect the conversation to something less divisive. 

Keeping politics out of the fire station is a good way to ensure all crew members can enjoy a welcoming environment where everyone feels comfortable. So get out there and vote, but keep your lips zipped about who you voted for! 

And that’s Today’s Tip from Lexipol. Until next time, Gordon Graham signing off. 


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