Passenger Side Approaches on Traffic Stops
Category: Law Enforcement
Gordan Graham here with Today’s Tip from Lexipol. Today’s Tip is for my law enforcement friends and deals with passenger-side vehicle approaches.
Traffic stops are one of the most common tasks patrol officers perform. They can quickly become dangerous. And they should never become routine.
Traffic stops are one of the most common tasks patrol officers perform. They can quickly become dangerous. And they should never become routine.
Many officers consider the passenger side approach a safer technique. These approaches can be highly effective and reduce some risks. It can provide an element of surprise and added safety. Many drivers expect an officer to approach the driver’s side window. But don’t allow this to create a false sense of safety.
The passenger side approach can reduce some traffic concerns by moving you away from traffic lanes. This approach allows you a bit more focus on what’s happening inside the vehicle.
The approach can also provide increased protection. Allowing us to look inside the vehicle. This creates a better opportunity to see the occupants and their hands while noticing any potential threats. Proper positioning also makes you a more difficult target. You will have more time to respond should things go bad.
There are many advantages to the passenger side approach. But it is not perfect. Visual observation of the driver is reduced while walking behind your vehicle for the approach.
Like everything, training and practice are important. Increase your knowledge by getting inside a vehicle to get the occupant’s perspective from different seating positions. Practice the approach in daylight and darkness.
And that’s Today’s Tip from Lexipol. Until next time, Gordon Graham signing off.