October 20, 2020

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Social Media Best Practices for Public Safety

Gordon Graham
Category: Public Safety

Gordon Graham here with Today’s Tip from Lexipol. 

Today’s tip is for all public safety members during the upcoming election. An unbiased reputation is key to maintaining trust and confidence. Don’t let the drama affect your professional reputation or the reputation of your agency.

Think twice about every click of your mouse. Be aware of what you say. Be careful what you say or do on social media to avoid problems in the future.

Intense opinions about candidates and issues are everywhere. You represent your agency. Discretion must be your watchword. What you say in person and online affects how people see you.

Anything that you post, like, or share online can spread like wildfire. Don’t kid yourself. This is true even if you think your social media is only visible to trusted friends. One share can spread the message far and wide.

Who cares? You should. Too many reputations have been tarnished. Sharing what was “just a funny meme.” The same is true when making a derogatory comment. Or posting something later deemed questionable. Your social media activity reveals information about you to the whole world.

Inappropriate comments have ruined too many careers. Posts that demean can haunt you. Even if you didn’t intend anything harmful. I’m not the only person who can find these stories in the news. Jurors, attorneys, defendants, news media, and potential employers can all find you. What will they find? What will it say about you or your agency? Could an inappropriate post find its way into a courtroom? Sarcasm, dark humor, and tongue in cheek comments can be misinterpreted.

Think twice about every click of your mouse. Be aware of what you say. Be careful what you say or do on social media to avoid problems in the future.

And that’s Today’s Tip from Lexipol. Until next time, Gordon Graham signing off.

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