3 guidelines for understanding when you can and cannot be disciplined for what you post

3 guidelines for understanding when you can and cannot be disciplined for what you post
[vc_section css="vc_custom_1525482743015{padding-bottom: 3em !important;}" el_class="container"]Editor’s Note: This is the first in a series of articles in which Curt Varone will address questions on important fire service legal issues. If you would like to submit a...
[vc_section css="vc_custom_1525482743015{padding-bottom: 3em !important;}" el_class="container"]Our fire law review focuses on only some of the many major fire law headlines between October 1, 2017, and December 31, 2017. Parsed by topic, you can see the same mistakes...
[vc_section css="vc_custom_1525482743015{padding-bottom: 3em !important;}" el_class="container"]This is the first quarterly fire law review covering some of the top legal headlines in the fire service between July 1, 2017 to October 1, 2017. Cybercasualties: Whether...