Apparatus Operations, Social Media Top List of Lexipol’s 2017 Firefighter Training Topics

by | January 16, 2018

Emergency Driving and Member Speech, Expression and Social Networking were the most-represented topics in Lexipol’s Daily Training Bulletin (DTB) program for fire departments in 2017.

Departments using the DTB program had access to 120 unique firefighter training bulletins last year, providing nearly 4 hours of training.

An end-of-year summary from Lexipol provides details into the topics covered in the training program, which is available to all Lexipol Fire customers. DTBs use a proven system of realistic and verifiable training to expose firefighters to their department’s policies and help them apply policy to real-world situations.

Personnel topics accounted for 25% of the DTBs issued. This category includes subtopics such as social media, physical fitness and discriminatory harassment. General Operations covered another 23% of the DTBs, featuring subtopics such as apparatus operations, rapid intervention and active-shooter incidents. Safety (11%) and Equipment and Technology (8%) were the third- and fourth-highest categories, respectively.

The following chart shows the breakdown of main categories:

2017 Fire Training Topics - Lexipol

“Our first goal with the Fire DTB program is to cover as many topics as possibly from the Lexipol Fire Policy Manual,” says Don Weaver, Training Director for Lexipol. “Then, we focus additional training on high-risk, low-frequency areas, such as active-shooter situations.” Lexipol’s Training team also monitors court cases, emerging trends and current events, and builds DTBs to address them.

To access the complete listing of 2017 topics, click here.

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