Financial Mismanagement:
The Other Smoldering Fire

by | October 9, 2020

When we think about mitigating risk for firefighters and fire departments, our mind typically goes to fireground safety, rapid-intervention teams (RITs), mayday training and other emergency issues where we seek to protect firefighters from the risk of injury and death. Exciting, right?

But there’s one glaring issue missing from this list that poses a significant threat to fire departments: financial mismanagement. Sure, not as sexy a topic, but grab another coffee and take a few minutes to focus on this incredible risk blind spot facing all fire departments.

Eye on Embezzlement

If you didn’t think this was a pervasive issue, check out these examples from and Curt Varone’s Fire Law Blog:

Need I go on? The problem is so big, there’s an entire page dedicated to fire service embezzlement here.

Lack of Policy Opens the Door to Bad Behavior

Fire agency financial risk comes from a few areas, and it all starts with a lack of good policy. Without sound financial control policies, mismanagement becomes the standard operating practice. And financial mismanagement can open the door to embezzlement, fraud and theft of funds from municipal, fire department, district or union local accounts.

Financial control policies are written, implemented and trained on to mitigate the risk of financial loss to a fire agency. They save members from themselves, and they keep the department from economic loss, public relations nightmares, litigation and a damaged reputation. Ever try to run a fundraising campaign after your fire chief gets arrested for stealing from the fund? Don’t.

As for saving members from themselves, it’s safe to say most members observe rules and controls – when they are in place. Where there are no controls, some members may take advantage of gaps. This behavior is especially true when it comes to the opportunity for financial gain. Our brothers and sisters in the fire service, generally, have the best of intentions; however, combine a lack of financial controls with adverse personal circumstances, a misplaced sense of entitlement or flat-out greed, and the result is predictable.

Basic Account Management and Auditing

While the issue impacts volunteer departments, fire districts and union locals more frequently, don’t forget about career agencies. Any time a fund or account exists, controlled by an individual, with no associated financial control, the opportunity for theft exists.

Fire agency financial risk comes from a few areas, and it all starts with a lack of good policy. Without sound financial control policies, mismanagement becomes the standard operating practice.

Regardless of what you call it, financial control policies exist to control agency and local union finances. These policies break down into two main parts: account management and account audits. Following are the key components to consider:

1. Account management

  • Who can access the account: Limited access, preferably the treasurer
  • Reasons for access:
    • Allowable/proper sources of funds in the account
    • Allowable purposes for disbursement
  • How to access
  • Obtain designated approvals before disbursing funds:
    • Report and have the membership approve all income and deposits from any source at regular meetings.
    • Announce and have the membership approve all disbursements before checks are cut, at regular meetings.
    • Standards should exist for necessary expenditures between regular meetings, and report all such spending at the next regular meeting.
    • At a minimum, the executive committee’s approval for all the above should be required and then reported at the next regular meeting.
  • Reporting and recordkeeping

2. Account audit

  • Who audits? Preferably a financial and audit committee should be established and have the specific responsibility for the inspection of accounts.
  • Audit schedule:
    • Preferably the audit committee should perform a quarterly audit.
    • There should be an annual, independent audit performed by a certified public accountant who is not a member of the agency.
  • Audit procedure
  • Reporting

When working through the audit, it’s important to pay special attention to:

  • The chief’s discretionary accounts;
  • Petty cash accounts;
  • Credit/charge card accounts; and
  • Accounts used to reimburse members for expenditures related to agency business or travel.

Stay Finance-Focused

Putting proper financial controls in place, then implementing, training and observing them is the best way to mitigate the most common risk experienced by fire agencies. As budgets get tighter, and members come under a more considerable financial strain, the importance of these policies only increases.

SCOTT ESKWITT is an experienced leader in public safety and legal counsel with a distinguished career spanning fire service and law. He worked at Lexipol as the Director of Fire Policy and Training Content, where he played a key role in developing resources to support fire departments nationwide. Scott was a member of the Fair Haven (NJ) Fire Department, where he served as Chief from 2012 to 2015. He also served with the Fair Haven First Aid Squad and the Red Bank (NJ) Fire Department. As an attorney, Scott has dedicated his legal career to advising municipalities and fire departments on critical issues such as risk management, human resources, and labor relations. He holds an undergraduate degree in Industrial & Labor Relations from Cornell University and a law degree from SUNY Law at Buffalo.

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