February 14, 2017

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Evacuation Procedures

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Evacuation Procedures

Gordon Graham
Category: Law Enforcement, Fire, EMS, Corrections

Gordon Graham here with Today’s Tip from Lexipol. And Today’s Tip deals with evacuations in the face of a natural disaster. 

Learn any additional responsibilities you may have in the event of a natural disaster and building evacuation.

You know, here in California we don’t have much in the way of tornados, floods or hurricanes but we do experience earthquakes, mudslides and fires. So here’s a thought for you. Would you know what to do and where to go if your public safety facility needed to be evacuated? What is the protocol if that earthquake, hurricane or flood hits your area and your building becomes unsafe.

Most agencies have prepared an Emergency Action Plan or Emergency Operations Plan that would identify your building evacuation routes. It is likely that police sergeants, fire captains and others in a position of leadership are familiar with the EAP.  But what about you Ms. Detective? How about you, Mr. Telecommunicator? And all you firefighters out there…how about you? Everyone assigned to the Fire Station House, to the Police Department, to the Sheriff’s Office or Custody Facility, should read the EAP. Learn where the safe exit routes are. Learn what equipment you are required to take with you. Learn any additional responsibilities you may have in the event of a natural disaster and building evacuation.

And that is Today’s Tip from Lexipol. Gordon Graham signing off.

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