Laced Up Inmates
Category: Corrections
Gordon Graham here with Today’s Tip from Lexipol. And Today’s Tip deals with recognizing potential signs of an impending disturbance in your correctional facility.
When the inmate comes out “laced up” it usually means something is going to happen.
A while back, we did a Today’s Tip on this topic. We received some great feedback from Correctional Officer Russell Van Buren of the Cook County Department of Corrections in Chicago.
CO Van Buren said that an indicator that he has run into that is a huge red flag is when inmates come out of their cells with their gym shoes laced up. I was a little confused when I first read this. I mean, really, just because an inmate ties his shoes, we need to be concerned? Well, CO Van Buren went on to explain that generally the inmates in his facility run around in shower shoes or their county-issued canvas slip-on shoes, similar to how you or I might wear slippers around the house. But when the inmate comes out “laced up” it usually means something is going to happen. It may be just a one-on-one situation or it may be an indicator of something more substantial, but either way, it is an indicator that something bad is going to happen. What great information! Thanks CO Van Buren.
Watch out when the inmates are “laced up.”
And that is Today’s Tip from Lexipol. Gordon Graham signing off.