February 16, 2021

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Autism and Police Interactions

Gordon Graham
Category: Law Enforcement

Gordon Graham here with Today’s Tip from Lexipol.

Today’s Tip is for law enforcement personnel and today I want to share some tips to help you successfully interact with people who fall on the autism spectrum.

Show empathy and understanding. Don’t be surprised by a delayed response to commands. And don’t be suspicious of delayed answers to your questions.

Recognizing when you are interacting with someone who falls on the autism spectrum may help ensure a successful encounter. People with autism may communicate or respond to social cues differently than others.

People with autism may display a wide variety of behaviors. This can range from non-responsiveness. Sometimes it might involve violent and uncontrollable outbursts.

A person with autism may speak in a very direct communication style. Don’t interpret this as rudeness. Remain calm and speak normally. Model the speech and tone that you would like to see. Speak in simple sentences and give simple directions.

Show empathy and understanding. Don’t be surprised by a delayed response to commands. And don’t be suspicious of delayed answers to your questions.

The person you are speaking with may have a fight or flight reaction when confronted by law enforcement. Be mindful of your surroundings. Position yourself so that you have time to safely react to unanticipated actions.

But following these simple tips are not enough. Please seek out more opportunities to learn about people who fall on the autism spectrum. This will help ensure success and safety.

And that’s Today’s Tip from Lexipol. Until next time, Gordon Graham signing off.

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