Professional Services


Accelerate your new policy solution

Assistance Tailored for Your Agency

You’re committed to adopting a new policy manual. It’s an opportunity to bring your personnel together around a shared vision and redefine your organizational culture.

But it also requires dedicated time and effort. You’ll be faced with difficult questions about your current policies and procedures, and you’ll need to conduct a critical analysis of every aspect of your operations. Many departments can’t do it alone.

With Lexipol, you don’t have to. When you take advantage of our Professional Services, you’ll receive customized policy implementation assistance from professionals who average 35 years of experience in public safety. We’ll introduce you to proven policy review and approval methods and set milestones to keep you on track (we call this Implementation Services). And when your new manual is complete, we can lighten your workload with services designed to help you quickly process policy updates as Lexipol issues them and manage your policy-related training bulletins (we call this Management Services).

Spend less time on policy review and customization

Avoid common project management mistakes
Achieve consistency across all your policies
Free your staff to focus on other organizational priorities

Policy Implementation Services 

Policy Cross-Reference

An annotated analysis of your existing policies against the Lexipol master content, identifying gaps in your current policies and agency-specific content you’ll want to retain as well as procedural content that should be considered for transfer to a separate manual.

Implementation Policy Tiers

Benefit from our proven, systematic approach to implementing policies. Each tier represents about 20% of the manual and includes one-on-one collaborative assistance to help you review, customize and adopt the policies efficiently and effectively. Choose one or more tiers to jumpstart your new manual or combine all five for the quickest implementation.

  • Tier 1 – High-Risk Policies
  • Tier 2 – High-Liability Policies
  • Tier 3 – Daily Operations Policies
  • Tier 4 – Personnel Protection Policies
  • Tier 5 – Operational Consistency Policies

Full Implementation

Start-to-finish, comprehensive policy adoption assistance, including the Policy Cross-Reference and collaborative implementation of Tiers 1-5. We work hand-in-hand with you to meet your agency’s unique needs, philosophy and project timeline.

Policy & Training Management Services

Policy Update Management

Start-to-finish collaborative project management on every policy update. We’ll customize policy updates, integrate them into your agency’s online manual, and coordinate review and distribution to your staff.

Policy Update Catch-Up

One-time assistance designed for agencies that have fallen behind on policy updates. We’ll review your pending policy updates and collaboratively develop an implementation plan, integrate the updates into your existing manual, and coordinate review and distribution.

Daily Training Bulletin Management

Monthly assistance to maximize the value and applicability of Daily Training Bulletins for your agency. We’ll validate the monthly training packages to fit the parameters of your agency’s issued policy content, issue Daily Training Bulletins to personnel, and provide customized training reports and analysis.

Not sure what service is right for your agency, or need customized help?


We can develop a support package to fit your budget and time constraints.

What Our Customers Are Saying

“[With Lexipol’s Implementation Services], I had a dedicated person, one point of contact, who worked side by side with me while we reviewed and modified the policies. With other vendors in law enforcement, that kind of support is almost unheard of.”

Capt. Quinn Averett
Mesquite (NV) Police Department

“The experience that Lexipol’s implementation team brought really helped us get our process into place. Had we done it on our own, we would have been making mistakes throughout. They were able to help us prevent tripping over ourselves.”

Deputy Chief Jim Hamilton
Grants Pass (OR) Department of Public Safety

“A lot of departments are operating in a black hole when it comes to the policy review process. Lexipol has it figured out; they have great tools they can give you. Chiefs don’t have to reinvent the wheel; they can just follow the step-by-step process.”

Assistant Chief Scott Neal
Bullhead City (AZ) Fire Department

“The [Policy Cross-Reference] helped us see that many of our policies are actually procedures. And that in turn got us started on condensing the manual.”

Chief Jeffrey Pilz
Hillside (IL) Fire Department

Don’t go it alone.


Contact us today to put the experts in public safety policy on your side.